It's been a few days since I last posted here... Oh, who am I kidding, it's been weeks!
Time flies when you're having fun, right? At least, that's what they say. I'm note sure that I'm totally sold on that idea just yet. Over the last few weeks, I can't recall having ANY fun, except for the few times I have been able to sit before my keyboard, plugging away on my next story. And even then, those few times have been limited and short!
It's frustrating...frustrating because I have been having a tremendous influx of creativity and there just hasn't been enough time to outlet it properly.
Have you seen my author blog lately?
I use the word 'blog' lightly because it's actually a Page I created on Facebook for the sole purpose of recording ideas, creating and sharing ideas and keeping in touch with future readers. Also, I like to do some fun things now and then... A great example of this would be the 'Late Night with R. Richardsson' show - a kind-of talk show where I (as an author) interview characters from my book(s) as if they were actors from a movie.
The first one was really fun and I am playing around with the idea of bring back another episode, another guest, more music and more fun!
So, have you seen it?
Seriously, if you are reading this, you have to check it out. I don't mean to pitch a sale on you... Oh, who am I kidding, I totally do!
You should go to my author page and 'Like' it. I spend a lot of time writing there...more than I do here, and you can keep up on my latest projects as I release them.
Oh, well, that's okay too.
It really doesn't matter that much to me. My posts are open to the public and you can check them anytime you want. Or not at all, that's okay too.
Meanwhile, I'm working, working, working away on two big projects;
1) From the Ashes: The Hunter Reborn - which is book 2 in the 'Ballad of
John Rizzerio' trilogy
2) A yet to be named collection of short (horror) stories that I'm planning
on releasing very soon after book 3 in the aforementioned trilogy.
I've currently finished the first couple of stories for this collection and have several ideas in the works for the next few stories to come. Currently, I am working on these stories on the mornings after I return home from my PT work, while I reserve my nights off for all of the heavy work on my novel.
As I mentioned before, it has been frustrating for lately. What I really want to do is focus on my writing.
"So why don't you," you ask?
Tsk, tsk, tsk. All this time you've been spending with me, and you can't even remember such a simple little detail.
I'm disappointed in you, really I am.
Let me just remind you real quick, I guess, as there's no sense in you backtracking through all of my writings to find the answer to this question. I work 33+ hours/week as an Associate at Walmart. When I get home, on top of maintaining my fishing business (Bargain Fishing Supplies), marketing my book (The Rise and Fall of John Rizzerio) and checking the statuses of the other websites I maintain (Windmill Inn Products), I am a full time father of four.
So yeah. Getting ideal environmental conditions for my writing is tricky, at best!
Oh, but it can be done, don't get me wrong.
It takes three parts scheduling and one part ingenuity, but it's possible!
The biggest problem is that my deadlines are harder to meet. Granted, they are deadlines that I have complete control over, meaning that I can extend them, or change them with no consequence... My problem is that I don't like to finish past the time that is expected for myi work to be done.
"Take a deep breath. Expel the negativity and all that jazz."
All in good time, right?
I expect to finish my second book in the second week of December. The editing process will then begin, as well as the cover design and then it's on to book 3. This roughly makes it two months longer to write than my first book, but then again, this one is a novel with 20k+ wordcount increase.
But, with that in mind, I could have the trilogy complete (theoretically) in the second week of June (2013) and be working on the edit for this and the stort story collection as well.
Mmm! A busy schedule you have! Write much you will!
I know, right?
That's it, in a nutshell. At least until I am finished with the story of John Rizzerio and the book short stories following.
Then what?
Don't get your panties in a bunch now. I have several other projects coming to life as we speak. You see, when I am not typing at the computer, I'm writing my next (short) story idea down in a notebook for later reference. Not that I need to for novel ideas. After I wrap things up with my trilogy, there's a collection of Fantasy books I fully intend on writing. Gonna get all 'Lord of the Rings' on yo' ass, yo! lol
I'm also drafting bits and pieces for a Memoir which will loosely chronicle my experiences over the last fourteen years. I say 'loosely' because, while the story will be true, it will be coming from a memory that has kept it locked away for many, many years. And like anything that is locked in the dark long enough, some of my memories might have holes eaten through them from the moths.
Mmm-kay. Moths are bad, mmm-kay.
Patience is a virtue, right? Isn't that what they say? God, I must be a friggin Saint by now. I'm all FULL of patient virtue!
Ph, but here we are again. I'm really enjoying the feeling of the keys clacking away beneath my fingertips and I have to leave.
Time for bed, you see? I have to work tonight before I'm allowed 48hrs to work on my book.
It's worth it, right?
Hell yes it's worth it!
Until next time, enjoy what I've left here for you and I hope you'll return for more...or in the very least, tell a friend about it!
~ R. Richardsson ~
Oh, hey. before I forget... If you caught any (and all) of the typos in this and any other of my posts...?
Please refrain from sharing. lol
I'm almost always writing these blog posts with one eye closed and one foot under the covers. Making a typo is the least of my concerns! This blog is here to help me improve up my writing, not my editing! lol
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Too Few and Far Between
It's getting to be that time of year when time to oneself becomes somewhat of a commodity. The holidays are picking up, birthdays are becoming more frequent and duties call.
These last seven days have flown by faster than I would have liked. For the first time in a couple of months, I had more days off during a seven day period than I did days on at my part time job and I'm sad to say that the last of them is coming quickly around the corner. As I sit here, looking at this week's, as well as the next two week's schedule, I find myself with the exact opposite of what I just came out of. Rather than five off and two on, it's going to be the other way around.
Those of you who know me might recognize my gripe with this.
Those of you who don't are asking yourselves; "Why is this guy complaining about working more days out of the week?"
Simply put, while I enjoy the part time work, what I want to be successful in (i.e. my business and my writing) need the lion's share of time in order to take off.
Obviously, I enjoy my writing. As of this very moment, I have this blog up and running, my first book has been published and I have done work on various other small projects with Hubpages, Squidoo and other services.
I have also enjoyed working with my business, Bargain Fishing Supplies, but I am sad to say that it is currently shut down due to a small financial embarrassment on my part. Yeah, business has been slow and I overlooked a charge that was coming up... *sigh* I'm hoping that it's only temporary, as I have literally thousands of hours invested into it, but only time will tell.
It seems like the thing that I'm really looking for these days is a good break, and as anyone on this very adventure knows is that a good break is few and far between.
Yes, times are rough. We all know the shape of the economy.
I also realize that I'm pandering to my own whims with my business, but I'm hoping to keep it running and continue working with those people who enjoy the same hobby I'm helping them stay supplied in.
I also know that as I continue to write, I will also continue to grow in experience with my work. Typos will gradually fade down to what I will consider an acceptable figure and (hopefully) I'll be able to reach a wider audience as well.
If you haven't heard, I am currently working in Science Fiction/Horror with my 'Ballad of John Rizzerio' trilogy. These two genres are a couple of my favorites, but I am also planning to dabble in Fantasy as well!
It's funny...
As I was working on my first book, I began to see images of what I wanted the second and third in the series to become. By the time it was finished, I had developed the covers for the following books and had written rough outlines for what I wanted the second and third to follow.
And, of course, if you know me at all you know that I won't be following said outlines! *lol* They're only there to help me from completely derailing from the track of mind that will get me to the end result. Everything between the beginning and end can, and will, likely change before all is said and done!
As it is, I'm well into the second book, and unlike the first it's looking like it will turn into a full blown novel!
I hope you've had a chance to read the first one by now; "The Rise and Fall of John Rizzerio", and are looking forward what's in the future?
Spoiler for those of you who haven't; I believe in cliffhangers!
Yeah... So be warned.
And like any good cliffhanger, this book picks up where the first left off, so you have that to look forward to. :)
I realize that I'm a new writer. Am I an Author? Let me ask you this; "What determines an Author? Is it that he or she writes and publishes 'A' book(s), or is it in how the book(s) is received?"
That is the real question. I've read through many writing forums in which many a writer has said that the determination of Author belongs to those with proper technique, grammar, spelling, punctuation and many other factors.
Yeah, okay... I see their point with this. But, I truly believe that an Author is someone who can successfully tell a story, through writing, that leaves a memorable impression upon the reader.
And really, when it comes down to it, that's all I'm asking to have the chance to do with you; is leave an impression.
You might read my blogs that think; "This guy's an idiot," but don't judge my work by my blogs alone. As I've said before, this blog is only a place for me to practice my writing and speak the thoughts that are on my mind. I enjoy doing both of these and, truth be told, I don't really give a flying fuck who thinks I'm an idiot or not. That's your opinion and you're free to wear it as openly on your sleeve as you like.
You might have also noticed that I'm not shy about my language. Yeah, well... Where I come from, not everyone is a devout Protestant who believes that God will strike them down for uttering curses. Quite the opposite, if you can believe that happy crappy! Most people let loose expletives as freely as you would your farts in the privacy of your own home!
Ah, now... Don't blush. I know you do it, just as well as I know what roses really smell like, and you're not fooling anyone by denying it. So you just keep on pooting and I'll accept that and I'll keep on writing the way I talk and you can accept that. And if not, well, how bout we play a round of "Hide and Go Fuck Yourself" just for the fun of it? :)
Alright, alright. I know that I'm coming off as a little offensive now, and well, I guess that happens now and then, so...
I apologize. I'm thinking about the weeks ahead and how little I'm going to get to work on my book during them.
Oh, I could write a little here and there during the work week, but think about this; I'm also a father of four, who must get the kiddos to and from school throughout the day and keep the ones who don't go fed and happy as well. With the two youngest being on either end of the toddler spectrum, this isn't easy, nor does it make for a conducive work environment.
Keep in mind that I also have to find time to sleep as well...
Oh, but I will. I juggle my time well and I will find a little time here and there to write. It's contrast, however, is startling when you look at the work I can get done on a typical day off, where I'll write anywhere from 1500 - 10000 words, depending on my inspiration! When I'm working? It's more like 150 - 2700 words... I know, right? And inspiration be damned!
Somewhere along the line I'm going to have to pull the belt in a notch, however, because my deadline is fast approaching. While it's not something that's set in stone, it's something that will work for me financially and if I miss that window, I won't soon have another chance to meet it.
That is, unless, my book sales pick up and I'm getting the reviews that I'm looking for?
We'll just have to see, I guess...
Hopefully, the days off aren't too few and far between before I get a chance to find out...
These last seven days have flown by faster than I would have liked. For the first time in a couple of months, I had more days off during a seven day period than I did days on at my part time job and I'm sad to say that the last of them is coming quickly around the corner. As I sit here, looking at this week's, as well as the next two week's schedule, I find myself with the exact opposite of what I just came out of. Rather than five off and two on, it's going to be the other way around.
Those of you who know me might recognize my gripe with this.
Those of you who don't are asking yourselves; "Why is this guy complaining about working more days out of the week?"
Simply put, while I enjoy the part time work, what I want to be successful in (i.e. my business and my writing) need the lion's share of time in order to take off.
Obviously, I enjoy my writing. As of this very moment, I have this blog up and running, my first book has been published and I have done work on various other small projects with Hubpages, Squidoo and other services.
I have also enjoyed working with my business, Bargain Fishing Supplies, but I am sad to say that it is currently shut down due to a small financial embarrassment on my part. Yeah, business has been slow and I overlooked a charge that was coming up... *sigh* I'm hoping that it's only temporary, as I have literally thousands of hours invested into it, but only time will tell.
It seems like the thing that I'm really looking for these days is a good break, and as anyone on this very adventure knows is that a good break is few and far between.
Yes, times are rough. We all know the shape of the economy.
I also realize that I'm pandering to my own whims with my business, but I'm hoping to keep it running and continue working with those people who enjoy the same hobby I'm helping them stay supplied in.
I also know that as I continue to write, I will also continue to grow in experience with my work. Typos will gradually fade down to what I will consider an acceptable figure and (hopefully) I'll be able to reach a wider audience as well.
If you haven't heard, I am currently working in Science Fiction/Horror with my 'Ballad of John Rizzerio' trilogy. These two genres are a couple of my favorites, but I am also planning to dabble in Fantasy as well!
It's funny...
As I was working on my first book, I began to see images of what I wanted the second and third in the series to become. By the time it was finished, I had developed the covers for the following books and had written rough outlines for what I wanted the second and third to follow.
And, of course, if you know me at all you know that I won't be following said outlines! *lol* They're only there to help me from completely derailing from the track of mind that will get me to the end result. Everything between the beginning and end can, and will, likely change before all is said and done!
As it is, I'm well into the second book, and unlike the first it's looking like it will turn into a full blown novel!
I hope you've had a chance to read the first one by now; "The Rise and Fall of John Rizzerio", and are looking forward what's in the future?
Spoiler for those of you who haven't; I believe in cliffhangers!
Yeah... So be warned.
And like any good cliffhanger, this book picks up where the first left off, so you have that to look forward to. :)
I realize that I'm a new writer. Am I an Author? Let me ask you this; "What determines an Author? Is it that he or she writes and publishes 'A' book(s), or is it in how the book(s) is received?"
That is the real question. I've read through many writing forums in which many a writer has said that the determination of Author belongs to those with proper technique, grammar, spelling, punctuation and many other factors.
Yeah, okay... I see their point with this. But, I truly believe that an Author is someone who can successfully tell a story, through writing, that leaves a memorable impression upon the reader.
And really, when it comes down to it, that's all I'm asking to have the chance to do with you; is leave an impression.
You might read my blogs that think; "This guy's an idiot," but don't judge my work by my blogs alone. As I've said before, this blog is only a place for me to practice my writing and speak the thoughts that are on my mind. I enjoy doing both of these and, truth be told, I don't really give a flying fuck who thinks I'm an idiot or not. That's your opinion and you're free to wear it as openly on your sleeve as you like.
You might have also noticed that I'm not shy about my language. Yeah, well... Where I come from, not everyone is a devout Protestant who believes that God will strike them down for uttering curses. Quite the opposite, if you can believe that happy crappy! Most people let loose expletives as freely as you would your farts in the privacy of your own home!
Ah, now... Don't blush. I know you do it, just as well as I know what roses really smell like, and you're not fooling anyone by denying it. So you just keep on pooting and I'll accept that and I'll keep on writing the way I talk and you can accept that. And if not, well, how bout we play a round of "Hide and Go Fuck Yourself" just for the fun of it? :)
Alright, alright. I know that I'm coming off as a little offensive now, and well, I guess that happens now and then, so...
I apologize. I'm thinking about the weeks ahead and how little I'm going to get to work on my book during them.
Oh, I could write a little here and there during the work week, but think about this; I'm also a father of four, who must get the kiddos to and from school throughout the day and keep the ones who don't go fed and happy as well. With the two youngest being on either end of the toddler spectrum, this isn't easy, nor does it make for a conducive work environment.
Keep in mind that I also have to find time to sleep as well...
Oh, but I will. I juggle my time well and I will find a little time here and there to write. It's contrast, however, is startling when you look at the work I can get done on a typical day off, where I'll write anywhere from 1500 - 10000 words, depending on my inspiration! When I'm working? It's more like 150 - 2700 words... I know, right? And inspiration be damned!
Somewhere along the line I'm going to have to pull the belt in a notch, however, because my deadline is fast approaching. While it's not something that's set in stone, it's something that will work for me financially and if I miss that window, I won't soon have another chance to meet it.
That is, unless, my book sales pick up and I'm getting the reviews that I'm looking for?
We'll just have to see, I guess...
Hopefully, the days off aren't too few and far between before I get a chance to find out...
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